*  In June of 2010 God brought together a core group of about 30 believers to start The Outpost Church.

*  Our plan was to develop our unity and vision "inwardly" as a church family, while "outwardly" renovating and preparing the building God provided for us.

*  In this way God was preparing us as a church on both the "inside" and the "outside".

*  In much the same way God forms a baby in the womb for 9 months before it's born, God formed us a church (coincidentally for about 9 months) leading up to our official opening to the public in April of 2011.

*  The core vision of our church is based upon several key principles, including the following:

*  Every single person has been deeply wounded in this broken and fallen world in which we live.

*  God passionately desires to heal and redeem the brokenness of our lives.

*  As we experience God's healing and redemption in our lives, we become healthier people who God can then use to bring His healing message to others.

*  Together, as a redeemed community of faith, God's plan is to bring forward His Kingdom upon the earth               through our lives. 

*  To understand more of our vision, you are welcome to read The Outpost Manifesto.